Gitit User’s Guide

Using gitit

For instructions on editing pages and creating links, see the “Help” page.

Gitit interprets links with empty URLs as wikilinks. Thus, in markdown pages, [Front Page]() creates an internal wikilink to the page Front Page. In reStructuredText pages, `Front Page <>`_ has the same effect.

If you want to link to a directory listing for a subdirectory, use a trailing slash: [foo/bar/]() creates a link to the directory for foo/bar.

Page metadata

Pages may optionally begin with a metadata block. Here is an example:

format: latex+lhs
categories: haskell math
toc: no
title: Haskell and
  Category Theory

\section{Why Category Theory?}

The metadata block consists of a list of key-value pairs, each on a separate line. If needed, the value can be continued on one or more additional line, which must begin with a space. (This is illustrated by the “title” example above.) The metadata block must begin with a line --- and end with a line ... optionally followed by one or more blank lines. (The metadata block is a valid YAML document, though not all YAML documents will be valid metadata blocks.)

Currently the following keys are supported:

Overrides the default page type as specified in the configuration file. Possible values are markdown, rst, latex, html, markdown+lhs, rst+lhs, latex+lhs. (Capitalization is ignored, so you can also use LaTeX, HTML, etc.) The +lhs variants indicate that the page is to be interpreted as literate Haskell. If this field is missing, the default page type will be used.
A space or comma separated list of categories to which the page belongs.
Overrides default setting for table-of-contents in the configuration file. Values can be yes, no, true, or false (capitalization is ignored).
By default the displayed page title is the page name. This metadata element overrides that default.

Highlighted source code

If gitit was compiled against a version of pandoc that has highlighting support (see above), you can get highlighted source code by using delimited code blocks:

~~~ {.haskell .numberLines}
qsort []     = []
qsort (x:xs) = qsort (filter (< x) xs) ++ [x] ++
               qsort (filter (>= x) xs) 

To see what languages your pandoc was compiled to highlight:

pandoc -v

Adding support for math

To write math on a markdown-formatted wiki page, just enclose it in dollar signs, as in LaTeX:

Here is a formula:  $\frac{1}{\sqrt{c^2}}$

You can write display math by enclosing it in double dollar signs:


Gitit can display TeX math in three different ways, depending on the setting of math in the configuration file:

  1. mathjax (default): Math will be rendered using the MathJax javascript.

  2. mathml: Math will be converted to MathML using [texmath]. This method works with IE+mathplayer, Firefox, and Opera, but not Safari.

  3. raw: Math will be rendered as raw LaTeX codes.